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首页 > Product > Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly
产品: 浏览次数:217Royal Jelly 
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 12 piece
供货总量: 30 piece
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-05-19 16:50

Ever Nature Royal Jelly is an extremely precious substance produced by bees exclusively for the queen bee. It is a complex mixture of proteins, free amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates & vitamins.
Concentrated Lyophilized royal jelly, Vitamin E, Vegetable Oil, Soyabean Oil, Gelatin, Glycerol, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Lecithin.
Contains high level of royal jelly and active component 10HDA- Assists blood and peripheral circulation. It assists in the maintenance of general well-being, and is good for adults of all ages.

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