
BRF Global

food and beverages

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首页 > Introduce > Corporate Structure
Corporate Structure

The management model adopted by BRF in its global performance adapts processes and products to the different profiles and habits of consumers, respecting the cultural traditions of the places where the company operates. BRF is divided into the following management groups:


In line with best governance practices, the Chairman of the Board of Directors does not exercise executive functions. Defined in the Bylaws, the qualifications to be included in the Board of Directors include aspects such as: having an unblemished reputation, not holding positions in competitors or representing conflicting interests. Both Board members, Committees and Board of Executive Officers have a formal assessment tool for individual performance, including 360-degree assessment and approach to sustainability issues.


Advisory committees of the Board of Directors have been held since 2006, which are made up of board members. At a meeting held on April 28, 2015, it approved the appointment of the regular members of the Advisory Committees to the Board of Directors, namely: Strategy, M&As and Markets; Finance, Governance and Sustainability; People, Organization and Culture.


It consists of three members, one of them financial specialist. It meets monthly and, when necessary, attends meetings with the Board of Directors.


Responsible for the management of the business in total agreement with the strategic guidelines defined by the executives and approved by the Board of Directors.

In Brazil, the company has more than 30 factories and 20 distribution centers. Overseas, it operates nine industrial units in Argentina, one in the United Kingdom, one in The Netherlands, five in Thailand, one in Malaysia, one in the United Arab Emirates and five in Turkey, as well as 27 distribution centers.